Fanon Fanfiction Wikia

Grimm, or the Creatures of Grimm, are the universal antagonists ofRWBY, inhabiting various parts of Remnant.

They are described as "creatures of destruction" and lack a soul; hence, they are unable to use Aura. They are also drawn to feelings of negativity; such as envy, sadness, loneliness, and hatred; often congregating towards the source of these emotions.

At one point, ancient cultures believed that Grimm were animals possessed by evil spirits, or were the spirits of once tortured animals.

The Information from the world of Remnant. And the rest of it were undiscovered under its progress.



Known Species of Grimm[]

Name Attacks Feactures
Beowolf Lunges, claws strikes, bites Black fur and bonelike spines
Boarbatusk Charges, tusks, body rolls White bone plates, four eyes, and large tusks
Creep Ramming, bites Bonelike spines, two-legged
Death Stalker Claw grabs, stinger strikes, bites Black exoskeleton with white bone plates and a glowing stinger
Dragon Summoning other Grimm Black skin, bone-like spines along its body, large red bat-like wings
Goliath Unknown Black skin, bonelike spines along its body, giant tusks
Griffon Attacks in hordes Black fur and feathers, bone-like spines along its body, avian wings
King Taijitu Lunges, fang bites, constriction Bone-like spines with Grimm markings
Nevermore Head-butt charge, throwing spear-like feather quills Black plumage, wing claws and crested white bonelike head-piece
Ursa Lunges, claw swing, bites Black fur and bonelike spines

Other Species of Grimm[]

Naruto Attack Feactures Reference
Unagi From Avatar: The Last Airbender


